Parents as Teachers & Northwest Health—Building Community Care Through a New Parenting App

By: Jill Stricker | Executive Director, Parents as Teachers Porter County

While information alone is powerful, community is an even greater force for empowering parents and caregivers for success. With that in mind, Parents as Teachers Porter County and Northwest Health Indiana have joined hands to create an app specifically for local parents that utilizes both information and shared experiences. Mommies-to-be and new parents, rejoice—the super helpful app is loaded with amazing content to guide you through this fantastic journey! The app brings access general information, helpful advice, content specific to your kiddo, and message boards with other local parents.

Whether you are a first-time caregiver or a seasoned pro, the app is designed to provide you with all the necessary information and support you need to feel confident and empowered as a parent. From tips on how to prepare for childbirth to advice on dealing with sleepless nights and feeding schedules, the app has it all.

One of the best things about the app is that it is tailored to your specific needs and concerns. You can personalize your experience by selecting topics that are most relevant to you and your baby. Plus, the app is constantly updated with new and relevant information, so you can continue to learn and grow as a parent.

But that's not all! The app also provides a platform for you to connect with other parents in your community. You can join discussion groups, share your experiences and tips, and ask for advice from other moms and dads who have been in your shoes. It's a great way to build a support network and make new friends.

The new app's features for children from birth to age 3 will bring our Porter County community together through the sharing of information related to research, local resources, and parent-to-parent connections in straightforward yet impactful ways.

The app is in the final stages of development and will be piloted this summer. So, if you're a mommy-to-be or a new parent and would like to be included in the Beta testing and feedback period, please send an email to by May 1, 2024.


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