March Milestone Report

First Things First

In this issue, we highlight…

  • Bundle of Joy: A one-stop-shop landing page with resources for new families.
  • Our first-ever Impact Report: A highlight of the work we've accomplished together since the inception of FTF.
  • Challenge Grants 2025: This year, we are seeking Letters of Intent for grant awards up to $50,000.


In our continued efforts to equip new families to succeed, we've compiled key resources to share with young families. Our Bundle of Joy packages information to promote healthy beginnings, early relational heath, family support, and quality early experiences. Available digitally at the link below, and physical bundles upon request!

Explore Resources



Nurturing Beginnings: Our Impact 2021-2025

Since 2021, First Things First Porter County has achieved significant milestones, and now at almost 4 years old, we are off and running! We are excited to share with you our first official impact report, spotlighting how far we've come.

In this report, we highlight the successes of FTF, knowing these reflect the successes of the collective. Each of our wins benefit the youngest children of Porter County and are the result of like-minded individuals and organizations joining in our vision and mission.

Our desire is to showcase the meaningful work in Porter County and how our collective efforts result in significant influence.

Focusing on healthy beginnings, family support, and early relational health, we continue to create a world where every child feels safety, security, trust and hope.

We invite you to explore the report in its entirety and revel in the impact we are creating.

Read our Impact Report

Read the latest from our blog to know what our friends are saying about the importance of building a collaborative of community partners who are committed to creating a rich system of care, support and services.

Read Now

VOTE for Play!: The Making of Our Early Childhood and Play Summit

Late last year, Bellaboo's hosted an Early Childhood and Play Summit, teaching local early childhood & community professionals how to tailor programming to very young children.

In this issue, you'll hear from Kara Mackey from Lake County Parks & Recreation about the Summit and "Lunch & Learn" session led by Dr. Mary Jane Eisenhauer and Linda Curley.


Let's learn together! Here are some recommendations from our team and the collaborative:

Enhance your Experience with Imagination Library

Each month, Imagination Library mails participating children a free book. To support a love of reading and increase enjoyment, these family guides provide music, activity, vocabulary, and connecting book ideas! There are also tips for read alouds. Just create an Indiana Learning Lab account to get started!

Download Resources

Weekly Podcast & New Television Episodes

Building Blocks: The Podcast, hosted by Dr. Mary Jane Eisenhauer explores the first 1,000 days with local parents, experts, and community leaders. Listen each Wednesday! Building Blocks: The Series drops a new episode on Wednesday, March 26 at 8:00 pm!

Listen & Watch for Free


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Let’s link together and sync up! Here are some programs & events happening right now in the community.

Click on the bulletin board to learn more.