Our Mission
A collaborative of community partners creating a rich system of care, support and services so that every Porter County baby born is prepared for a strong start in life.
Empowering the community to ensure every child has a healthy, thriving start to life through a seamless connection with the prenatal to 3 ecosystem that prioritizes brain development, language, & early relational health.
Our Approach
Together, we are stronger. First Things First Porter County is the backbone organization bringing the community together around a common agenda, shared metrics, mutually reinforcing activities, & continuous communication.
who we are:
Because early childhood development affects every aspect of our community, the Porter County Community Foundation launched First Things First Porter County in 2021 to strengthen, sustain and nurture partnerships to promote Healthy Beginnings, Family Support and Quality Early Learning.
The future of Porter County’s youngest citizens, the quality of life for all residents and the economic health of the community will be impacted by this ambitious endeavor.
each of the five babies born every day in our community has equal opportunity to grow and thrive.
different sectors throughout our county with a common agenda to identify and address social problems through structured and systematic collaboration.
to create lasting solutions and coordinate efforts around its clearly defined goals.