Happy Valentine’s Day, Little One

By: Hadassah Moore | Project Coordinator, First Things First Porter County

A love note to our Porter County babies:

Dear Little One,

Looking at your sweet face that radiates innocence and potential, we can’t help but dream of all that you will become and how we can help you achieve it. We are overjoyed to have you in our special little Northwest Indiana community. Our community is learning just how important the first 1,000 days of your life are—not only for you, but also the support system that’s caring for you! As we get better at supporting your mama and getting her the help she needs, the better both of your lives will be.

We know your grown-ups will need others in their corner as you get bigger and there come inevitable bumps along the way. Thankfully, Help Me Grow can point them in the right direction and share about local helpers ready to assist—no matter what the concern may be.

Watching you grow up in Porter County will be so fun!

You and your caregivers can meet new friends while playing at Books, Blocks, Balls at the library and visit our awesome doctors to make sure you’re all staying healthy and happy.

Those who love you will get lots of new books to read with you from Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library and get your language development off to a running start before you can even speak! Your family can snuggle up together to watch Building Blocks and learn about other young people like you.

It’s hard to believe, but your brain is building quite quickly right now (about 1,000 new brain connections every minute)! Our Community Foundation believes so strongly in that big brain of yours, they have money to give you for college! A $100 Seeds of Promise gift is ready for you and can grow alongside you in a 529 account.

Living in Porter County means going to the beach, enjoying yummy restaurants, watching trains, visiting farms, and running around lots of cool parks and playgrounds. Most of all,

living in Porter County means you are surrounded by loads of people who care very deeply for you and want nothing more for your life than to be one full of health, happiness, and hugs.

We love you!


First Things First Porter County


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